Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Survivor 28: Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty: Week 10


Every other week, I alternately despise and admire Tony. 

One week is valiantly saving a comrade; the next he is blindsiding the same dude.
One week he is so paranoid that the ghost of Josef Stalin is rolling his eyes; the next he’s Captain Mellowpants.
He’ll tell pointless lies, blindside staunch supporters, alienate everyone within earshot, generally overplay his hand, and make viewers uncertain whether or not his IQ is greater than that of a golf bag.
Then he’ll sleuth out 2 idols with minimal clues like he’s Sherlock %$#&ing Holmes, read his opponents like a seasoned poker professional, and attack the game with the work ethic of a 19th century immigrant railroad worker.
Rooting for Tony is like rooting for Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones.
Just when you start to admire the effort, resilience, sacrifice, and tormented humanity of the man, he buggers his own sister and then tosses a child from a 5 story window.
Like him or hate him, Tony is a player with which one must reckon.

Rant of the Week:  Everyone in the Majority Alliance is a Clodpate
I cannot for the life of me figure out how these clowns let Tony skate by and arbitrarily remove anyone he feels threatened by without repercussion.
He even told them “I didn’t tell you guys I was going to blindside LJ because I knew you wouldn’t be on board.” 
Translated, this means: “I don’t feel any loyalty to you and couldn’t trust you any less if I caught you in bed with my donkey.”
To this pile of flotsam, Trish issues a halfhearted admonition and then self-deludes herself by claiming tony will “stop pulling his crap” now that she took such a hard line.  Yeah Trish.  Tony is going to turn over a new leaf because you said you were uncomfortable with his treason.
Kass, ever the dipshit, claims that she’ll let this transgression slide because she wants “to keep the annoying people around and get rid of the dangerous ones.”
Who the hell do you think is dangerous Kass?  Jefra?
I would think that someone who makes a living out of reading people (a claim that I still cannot fathom being true) that it might occur to you that the guy who found the idol, blindsided 2 people, and makes every alliance decision whether you want it or not might, in fact, qualify as “dangerous.”
I guess to Kass, a betrayal or 2 is no big deal.  I mean after all, shes done it like 50 times already and she’s still here….
When the only person even remotely put off by this backstabbery is 21 year old Jefra (who may or may not know that she’s even in an alliance), Tony has to feel pretty damn good about himself right now.
If this were the real world, he is how this went down:
Tony <husband>: “I only cheated on you, stole your shit and then lied about it because I knew that if I told you about it you might not be on board.”
Alliance<wife>:  “I understand, but in the future, please let me know.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.”
Tony<husband>: “And another thing, I think it is horsecrap that you don’t trust me.  That cuts really deep.”
Alliance<wife>:  “I’m sorry sweetheart.  I suck.  How about some pie?”

Good Move of the Week:
No brainer here.  Tony finding the superpowerful idol.

In most situations, I believe that paranoia will kill a person’s game, Tony seems to feverishly feed off of it.  It’s like he has a tiny nuclear reactor of paranoia that makes him find stuff.

This idol virtually guarantees that Tony gets to final 5 at a minimum.  I would have been killing myself to find it.

I have no idea what these other blockheads are doing…..

Other Good moves:
1)      It didn’t mean anything, but Spencer was wise to use his idol.  He probably realizes that he is viewed as the most dangerous player right now and given all the paranoia surrounding the majority alliance, anything can happen
2)      How is it that Tash keeps winning immunities without anyone actually noticing how much ass she kicks?  She brings home the necklace every week and people still look at Spencer as the #1 man on the threat board.  May the force be with you Tash….

Dumbass Move of the Week:
Jefra’s decision to rat and then re-rat.

All she did by openly expressing her unhappiness with Tony and then letting it be known that she was thinking about flipping is to put her on the outs of her own alliance.

Jefra might have made it to the final 3 and potential got a few votes if she did it without pissing people off. 

Instead, she opted to promise Jeremiah, Spencer, and Tash that she was jumping ship; told her entire alliance (including Tony) that she doesn’t trust the guy making the decisions; finished off by reneging on her initial promise.

Did anything this woman did this week aside from eating a good meal make any sense?

Other Bad moves:
1)      Spencer might have ensured that Jefra flipped permanently by showing her that he had the idol.  He then asks her not to tell anyone she’s pissed at Tony, act like a double agent, and then find out who they are voting for.  He could then have played the idol for that person.  At least then, Tony would have had to flush his idol out.
2)      Tony bringing out his inner-Russell Hantz at tribal.  By pointlessly bringing out the idol to show everyone how much cleverer he is than they are, Tony really risked his game.  Pointless pissing match there Tony.  Why show your cards?  You can’t play the idol for anyone else anyway and you can play it for yourself AFTER the vote.

**Side note:  If anyone actually believes Tony after his laughable attempt to claim that his idol was fake and then stuffing it gingerly back into his bag they shot be drawn and quartered. 

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