Thursday, May 5, 2011

Enough with the bleeding hearts

Under normal circumstances, I would never take the time to comment upon the personal beliefs espoused by individuals on social networking sites.   

Now that I’ve insulted your intelligence with a bald-faced lie, let us move on to the equally disingenuous statements claiming torn feelings regarding the demise of the Osama Bin Laden.

Nobody is buying the insincere self-therapy of those who (for reasons avoiding logical description) feel guilt at the prospect of rejoicing over the demise of a mass murderer.  

People are not celebrating the death of another human being.   Bin Laden may have entered the world a member of our imperfect species, but the measure of one’s humanity lay in their deeds.  This cretin brought death to the innocent , cajoled others to slaughter anyone with differing opinions or upbringings, and then mocked the victims of his butcheries.  He and his supporters made no distinction between the combat soldier and the 5 year old girl on her way to her first day of kindergarten.  This scum was less of a human being than my toilet brush. 
One must be criminally bereft of any moral perspective to assign even a fraction of the same value to Bin Laden’s life as is given to the young intern who leaped to her death from a 100th story window so she wouldn’t have to burn; or to the young Kenyan  father who lost his eyes when one of Osama’s minions blew up the embassy in which he worked; or to the toddler who watched in tragic curiosity as the plane in which she rode with her mother headed toward the city and its unthinkable meeting with the silver tower.

People are celebrating the fact that justice has finally been meted out and this unspeakable bastard will never again plan, support, or encourage the extermination of anyone who does not embrace his special brand of hatred and zealotry. 
So to those troubled souls agonizing over the conflicted emotions raised by recent events, absolve yourselves of this “celebrating death” nonsense and grow up.   A human being didn’t perish on May 1st, a monster did.